Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My Baby is now a Big GIrl!

This past Sunday was our youngest daughters 2nd birthday and looking back I did a small post about our oldest on this momentous occasion.  I think I will carry on the tradition.

Watching Quinn grow to be the person she is becoming has been quite the roller coaster ride.  I cannot believe how much I love her.  Through the relationship I see that she has with her sister, I feel like I have a glimpse into how God wants us all to be as brothers and sisters in Christ, and she is a shining example for how we are to love each other.

Quinn is incredible kind, sweet and polite.  However she deffinitely has some bite to her.  She thinks everything is hers, but is always willing to share with her sister when she knows it really matters to her.  She is not quite as tall as Teagan was, and has shorter legs and a longer torso, but is more muscular than any baby I have ever seen.  She loves gymnastics, and appears to be naturally good at it.  The Teachers are always impressed at her little six pack tummy muscles.  She is fair like me and will sometimes look up and completely take your breath away with how amazingly beautiful she is.  She has crazy curly hair, and it completely suits her. She always yells when she runs and is naturally hilarious.  We call her Boo Boo and she now refers to herself that way from time to time.  Her favorite thing in the whole world are babies, and I know she is going to be an amazing big sister.  She is a Momma's girl for sure.

I am fascinated by how different they are.  Teagan is so serious and careful, and smart and intuitive, and has this quiet presence that is so delicate and lovely.  Quinn is funny, and brave, smart, and quite simply has a presence at the age of 2 that I am amazed at. She literally lights up every room she is in with her energy and moxy.

I love you so much Booboo.  You light up our everyday.  Life is quite simply better with you in it.  I can't ait to see the plans the Lord has for you. 

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