Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Being Thankful

It is so difficult sometimes to even remember that I am pregnant.  With two busy little girls, and a very busy husband, and a very busy season that completely affects my very busy job, I feel like this pregnancy, and the last one if I were to be honest, kind of gets swept under the rug.  I know this is probably the last time we will get to do this, and I want to just take a minute to breathe and bond with this baby. 

I was thinking about it tonight, and I am very thankful for the gestational diabetes this time around.  I get the opportunity regularly to see the baby via ultrasound, and the NST's that are not far off in the future are a nice time to get to lay back and just feel what our little man is up to in there. 

My doctor told me today that there will be a lot more testing this time than I am use to.  Since I am seeing a perinatologist this time they can take more precautions, and really do things right.  While he was going on and on about how difficult this is going to be, I couldn't help but be a little excited. I know it is strange, but the more I have to slow down and make good choices, and be very intentional about the next 15 weeks the more I get to relish in it.  I guess there really is good in everything.

Pray with us for a safe pregnancy and a very healthy baby boy.  I am doing my best to ensure both, and I am so thankful for the opportunity to do so.

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