Sunday, October 23, 2011

Life's Good...Shiftwork Sucks

We at the Cugli household are one of many shift work families. Cugli works for a refinery and in doing such is on a rotating shift.  It is either 5a-5p or vise versa.  This makes for a CRAZY life sometimes, but he loves his job, and they are paying for him to finish his education, so I am going to suck it up and say that I like his job too. 
The issue started last night when Cugli began talking about this new unit he is working with that is just now getting started.  APPARENTLY, this means not just shift work, but late shift for potentially the next 4 months.  Oh and not to mention the mandatory 6 day weeks.  I was prepared for the 6 day weeks.  I knew they were coming at some point, but I HAD NO IDEA that it wouldn't rotate like the crazy schedule we have grown to know and love.  In case you haven't guessed, I really hate late shift. I hear noises at night that aren't really there, I have to cook dinner all by myself (which can be a serious hazard), not to mention that we only get to see Cugli for a few minutes as we rush out the door for daycare and work in the morning.  The kids will literally see him about 15 minutes per day for the next four months.  Also, in case I hadn't mentioned it,we are expecting a little boy in February, so here I go spending the last trimester sleep deprived and alone. 
At the end of the day I know there is nothing we can do to change it, and we are not alone in this, there a several other families getting stuck with the same ordeal.  I just miss my love.  He is the best partner and friend a girl could ask for and living without him is going to be rough.  On the bright side, he going to be rolling in OT for the next 16 weeks, and on top of that he is paid a night shift premium, so it looks like we might be saying hello to the real estate market come spring. 
I feel so blessed that he has a job that he likes, and he is actually really great at it.  God has brought us through some tough stuff. This time a year ago, I was just praying he would find some sort of work at all.  I trust that God will bring us through this unscathed as well, but I am bracing myself and the girls for a long couple of months. 

We thank you lord that you are so faithful.  I am trusting you with every step of our journey.  I place my marriage, and children in your hands, knowing that is the safest place for all of us to rest.  I cannot control our safety and happiness.  I know Lord that you are holding us, and we will come out on the other side having lived and learned, and appreciating each other all the more.

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