A friend of mine at work is going through a "pregnancy scare" she had told me about it a few days ago with a sigh of relief that she had tested and the coast was clear. However, she keeps coming back to my cube with a certain sad about her. She already has a beautiful little boy, who was born into an odd relationship situation, but turned out more that prefect despite it all. This time around she is in a relationship with a very stable guy, who loves her son as his own, and loves her above all else.She laughed as she told me she was hoping to do it "in the right order" this time, but again, I saw a sadness in her face.
As women I think we are torn between our very rational, practical side, and a very maternal need. Weather we know it is there or not, the first time we see a newborn, or smell Johnson's I think it is natural to automatically think about what it would be like to have another baby. No matter the "order" you do it in, or how "bad a time it is".
I know it is early, being that sugar bean is only going on 5 months old, but Cugli brought it up the other night. He asked the question dreaded by any new mom...."so when do you want to try for another one?" I, of course automatically went strait into practical mode, and threw out a million reasons why trying for another baby now is too soon. BUT, for some reason I have this nagging feeling in my heart. He unknowingly planted a seed that now I am having a hard time not nurturing.
How do you deal with this roller coaster of emotions? On one hand I feel blessed beyond measure that God gave us the child we prayed for, but on the other, I feel a growing desire to broaden our brood. Am I just being overly greedy, or should we throw caution to the wind and leave it in God's hands weather our family expands and when?