Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So Big...

Last night Sugar Bean was sitting in her high chair and I was just watching my happy little baby as her feet swung back and forth. All of the sudden it hit me.....Her feet were touching the chair seat underneath her booster. Her long legs kicked and her feet tapped the chair. What happened to my tiny baby. She looked so big sitting there. Almost like........A TODDLER! (shudder). She also has started showing off at day care and standing completely unassisted. I don't think I can handle it. She seems to be growing up faster and faster. Didn't they say that development SLOWS as they get older?

She will be a year old on March the 16th. I absolutely cannot believe it has almost been a year since she joined our little family. I can remember the day I found out we were expecting her like it was yesterday. How grateful I was, how scared I still am every day wondering if I am making good choices for her. She is such a good baby. she sleeps incredibly well, she has an amazing temperament, everyone tells us how well behaved she is. I can't take even a little credit for any of it. She is just a blessing through and through.

I am torn between the baby I want to keep and the child I can't wait to experience. I think for now, at least as long as she is wearing footed jammies, and needs cuddles with her night time bottle, I will cling to my baby and take in every last minute. The clock is deffinitely ticking.

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