Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I am definitely pregnant again and all that apparently goes with it. My doctor called and said that my sugar is pretty elevated and that I will need to start testing several times a day again. I am thankful that is all that is wrong. Trust me, with as many things that call could have been about I am perfectly happy to poke my finger 4-5 times a day. But it just seems cruel. A pregnant woman not allowed to consume carbs. What is that?!

I am concerned all the stress with my job is taking its tole on my body. I have never had so many colds in my life, and the last time I went down the gestational diabetes road my sugar levels hovered around 100, which is a little high, but not crazy. This time, I am on the diet and I can't get it below 150. It is pretty well known that stress can cause this, but what am I suppose to do. Go on insulin just so that I can stay in a job I hate. I am going to talk to one of our supervisors today and see what we can do. Pray a little prayer for me. That everything goes well, and we can work something out.

1 comment:

JMom said...

Hang in there! I am believing that God will open up the right doors for you!