Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fashionable and Naked Giraffes love to cook with their Mommy....

Not too much is going on with us lately. I feel like we are incredibly busy, but when I look back at the week I am not sure what I have accomplished. So with there not being anything to blog about here are some pics of the newly chunky Sugar Bean. When she was born people would constantly ask me if I monitored her caloric intake because she was so thin. She still has the tendency, thank God, to be long and lean, but she has finally acquired some very cute, and over due baby rolls. Please excuse the gushing Mom but, isn't she beautiful?

Checking out the latest Jessica Simpson platform peep toes.

Trying out our new Halloween Costume. Hopefully we will actually convince her to wear the entire costume for Halloween. If not, a little belly never hurt anybody.

Baking Halloween Cookies. She liked the measuring spoons so much we now carry them in her diaper bag as a restaurant toy. People look at us like we are destitute, little do they know we are just keep our nicer toys/cooking utensils at home. lol

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the fall weather. We sure are!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hello world, It's me Miss Paranoid!

I have always been a very open person. I don't even blink when people ask about my personal life. I don't offer too much information unsolicited, but someone asks me a questions and I can't keep myself from making them uncomfortable with all the unnecessary information I give them about my personal life. I thought this blog would be a great place to relieve this self deprecating need to blurt out too much information, but I find myself being guarded here too.

While I am aware of a few people who read this that I know in my personal life, they are not people I would ever hesitate to blurt with. In fact, unfortunately for them, they are the very people I regularly blurt to. I often think to myself things I would like to say here, but I stall. I worry that I will be judged for my poor writing abilities, or for my openness. I don't fear that I will be disagreed with, In fact I check my comments all the time to get people's advice, and opposing opinions. I just worry that people will think less of me.

I think the answer plain and simple is paranoia. How do people do it? Is it that they know how amazing their writing skills are? Is it that they have confidence in there opinions? Do they know how hilarious they are? Or are they just jumping?

I am young and I hope that confidence comes in time, but I find myself praying less and less for confidence and more and more for the ability to jump without it.

I guess it is just all a part of the progress.