So I will start out by saying that I am on a perma-diet or as my husband likes to call it a "lifetime eating plan" but that is a load of crap. I feel constantly like my weight is an uphill battle.
I was cute and thin in high school and then I got married and subsequently gained about 100 lbs. Can you even believe that!? I blame it on my husband. If he weren't so sweet and accepting of me I might have taken a much harder look in the mirror and maybe would have noticed the second chin developing. Which brings me to a similar thought. How in the heck did I not notice!
I swear to you it was like one minute I was a size 8-10 and the next I am shopping for 20's. It completely snuck up on me. I am not sure if I just went on a rampage after the wedding diet had ended, or what, but it is like I had reverse anorexia. I didn't see it until I SAW it in big bold stretch marks across my abdomen. As if getting fat weren't bad enough I have to have this permanent reminder that I completely let myself go.
So anyway back to the diet...
I am currently doing Nutrisystems and for any of you out there starting a diet I really like it (except for the hefty price tag). I always feel like I am getting enough food, and I feel like I am getting a big lesson in portion sizes and veggies. I tried weight watchers, which is a similar idea, but I had the issue of eating A LOT of foods that were okay for me, and then falling off the band wagon all together. I am finding out that when given the opportunity to take 6 pieces of pizza I absolutely will, but if I am given a pre-portioned cracker pizza I for some reason won't go for another. Thank God!
Also included in this diet I have decided to start training for a 5k run with my boss. It feels easier to stick with it since we work together and it isn't like I can tell her I am not available. She sits right next to me.
So our crazy asses set out to try this training program. We are suppose to run for 60 seconds and then walk for 90. When Boss Lady first asked me if I would go with her I thought "that sounds great"..."Anyone can run for only 60 seconds". Well let me tell you sister not everyone can run for 60 seconds, and it is DEFINITELY NOT GREAT. The first 60 second jog is not bad, then you get to walk for 90 seconds, which sitting home watching tv sounded like a long time, but after 90 seconds of walking I was still breathing so hard I thought I might actually die. Then I am suppose to run again. To hell with that.
So I walked a good portion of our first two training sessions, but as the saying goes, every time gets a little easier. We have been twice and the second time I did not feel the urge to vomit up my nutri-stew so I would say that is progress. This program is suppose to take 9 weeks. I am thinking I might be on the 9 month plan, but we will see.
To all you out there fighting the fight with me, I salute you. And to anyone located in a mile radius of my office, if you see a chunky chick who is red faced, with her shorts creeping up in the crotch and making a good effort to sort of jog/skip down the road, please have mercy on me and pick my ass up!
1 comment:
So interested to hear more about Nutrisystem - costs, food, etc.. and how it works for you!
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