Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Here we go again....

I know I keep committing to post more regularly with every new event in my life, but it is blatantly obvious by now that is never going to happen. The best I can do is to update the interweb for the sake of remembering big events for the Cugli Clan.

Since I have last posted, we have had some huge changes in our lives. No, the drooling is unfortunately not one of them. I am going to briefly recap everything that is going on and hopefully elaborate on each item further at a later date.

1. We are living with my parents. - Long story short, we found a renter VERY quickly and had to make a decision to get out of our house within 2 weeks. We landed at my parents house, for what started as a VERY temporary solution, but now with the baby coming, it just seems nice to be settled somewhere for a few months.

2. We have a new baby on the way! I posted about this previously, but now we really have a baby on the way. This Friday ( 10/23) is my induction date. We are having another little girl, and we have yet to solidly name her. It is amazing how with my first pregnancy, I labored over every tiny detail. This time around, I have been so busy with Sugar Bean, I can't keep my head strait. I keep telling myself not to worry because I will have a lifetime to dote on her. This 9 months is simply not it.

3. I am working again. I now am a "full time" administrative assistant at our home church. I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!! It is a rare thing when you can walk in every morning to someone telling you what a blessing you are. I feel needed here, and I appreciate that feeling so much. It is not like one day they are going to wake up and decide that me and my skills are obsolete. I may be doing the tiny support work, but it feels like so much more. Here it feels like every little contribution makes a big difference in peoples lives, and in their eternity. I was originally hoping for something part time as you might remember, but this is very flexible and most weeks I only work about 30 hours anyhow.

4. Sugar Bean switched day cares. She now goes to Miss Tracy's house to play on a daily basis and gets all the hugs and kisses she can handle. Tracy is a member of the church, who has 3 kids of her own, and was looking to make a little extra money. Her oldest daughter is in school all week, her middle daughter just started preschool 2 days a week, and her son is a year and a half older than Bean. She also keeps our youth pastors baby, Finley, and on occasion our staff assistants little boy Jude. Sugar Bean is the only girl 3 days a week and she rules the roost. She is not a pushy child, but she certainly has presence.

I think that is enough updating for now. In the next few days I am sure I will be looking for things to do to pass the time, so I will blog. I guess to sum it all up, life is a little unsettled and unorthodox for us right now. We are definitely in a time of transition, and we are appreciating every moment and lesson in it all. We love our life, our Sugar Bean, our little Sprout, and our God. So I guess things could not be more perfect.

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